Tetridice is a Tetris-based arcade game. The goal is to match the outline as closely as you can.  You may choose to end a level whenever you're happy with your score. You can then try a new level or try to outdo your previous score on the same level!


(100) Points are given for blocks inside the outline

(50) Bonus points are given for adjacent blocks with the same dice face

(25) Bonus points are given for adjacent matching colors

(-100) Points are deducted for blocks outside the outline


move right = right arrow

move left = left arrow

rotate right = up arrow / X

rotate left = Z

soft drop = down arrow

hard drop = space

end level = V


We used Tomino by Wojciech Czerski from the Unity Asset Store for the base Tetris animations.


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That's a fun spin on Tetris! Hah, spin! Like spinning the pieces!